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What do elementary school counselors do?
Here are just a few of the services you and your students have access to at our schools:
School counselors serve all the students at a school and help them be their best.
Facilitate classroom "Life Skills" lessons aligned with state standards in each classroom
Organize school-wide service projects and special events as applications of our character education program
Consult with parents, teachers, and administrators
Provide materials to teachers and parents on topics related to the guidance and counseling standards when needed
Connect families with school and community resources
Talk with students who have a problem they'd like help solving or have something on their mind they'd like to talk about
Visit with students who could use care and support from an extra adult
Counsel students in small groups built around shared needs like divorce/changing families, grief, anger management, etc.
Counsel students individually
Teach social skills and coping skills
What topics are part of the elementary school guidance and counseling standards?
Emotional awareness and coping skills
Conflict resolution
Friendship/social skills
Character education (respect, responsibility, kindness, trustworthiness, etc.)
Personal safety
Behavior, choices and consequences, & responsibility
Career awareness and preparedness
Academic skills and achievement
Appreciating individual differences
What do we do in group and individual counseling?
Draw pictures, play games, play with puppets or toys, work on projects
Talk about little things, big things, or anything in between
Build a positive relationship and connection at school
Develop problem-solving abilities
Teach coping strategies, social skills, study skills, etc.
Build self-esteem and confidence
Help children cope with difficult and/or unchangeable life events
Help children recognize and make use of their potential
Give children a neutral, open place to share their concerns and feelings
Give children the opportunity to connect with other students having similar experiences
School Counselor Referral Form
Click this link to download the printable form for referring a child for help with school-related issues